Teen Court - Abbeville, LA

Abbeville Teen Court is the newly developed branch of the already established New Iberia Teen Court hosted by The Nehemiah Projects. 

What developed out of a parent’s grief over losing a child to street violence, has turned into a viable outreach program. New Iberia Teen Court resurrected the program in Iberia Parish and has had proven success with nonviolent student offenders who, when their sentence is completed, often ask to stay in the Teen Court program and continue to participate in the court process and mentor their peers.

Teen Court is a program that operates with the goal to ease the burden of discipline within the school system and offer real solutions to some of our more serious teen offenses: vaping, bullying, and committing petty crimes. Through counseling, adult mentorships and enforceable contract consequences, parents and guardians have hope that these first-time crimes won’t turn into a lifetime of trouble. City Court hosted individual cases with the help of the student court crew from New Iberia. Now Abbeville is in search of its own team of teen prosecutors, defenders, jury members, judges and bailiffs.

Teen court operates through cases handed down by the prosecutors for nonviolent offenders and first-time risk-takers. An intake is done between the Program Director and the family, and a court date is scheduled. The student must plead guilty. Consequences include community service to be served under supervision, and a series of sessions that can include harmful substance and bullying awareness, counseling, mentoring, and offense-specific rehabilitation.

To VOLUNTEER or MENTOR with the Teen Court Program, fill out the Get Involved form

or contact our offices at (337) 740-6724

NPAI supports ESL learners. Tuesdays from 10-12 classes are open enrollment.

VITA - The mission of VITA is to provide adult learners with literacy and other academic skills necessary to successfully pursue educational, vocational, and personal goals. 


Opportunities for more...

NPAI is a true community nonprofit with a desire to connect resources and provide programs that help those most in need. Our Social Services Pillar includes Men, Women and children of all ages that need social and mental help, personal guidance and mentoring, and to know that they are worthy, loved and created on purpose for a purpose!

Contact our offices to learn more (337) 740-6724

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